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Old 2019-12-11, 11:24   #7
Statusas: MB1 Forumo Rėmėjas
Užsiregistravo: 2015-09-26
Gyvenamoji Vieta: Prienai
Pranešimai: 4,009

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W212 125 kw 220 cdi blue efficiency užsidegė check engine lemputė. Atlikus diagnostiką metė 3 klaidas “ P227984” -A leak was detected in the intake air system. There is a signal below the permissible limit value, “P040000”- The flow in the exhaust gas recirculation (cylinder bank 1) has a malfunction ir ir “P008984 “ -Fuel pressure regulating valve has a malfunction. There is a signal below the permissible limit value”.

Po atlikto remonto vėl dega check engine lemputė, atlikus diagnostiką meta 2 klaidas “ P038113” -The preglow lamp has a malfunction. There is an open circuit” ir “ P008984” - Fuel pressure regulating valve has a malfunction. There is a signal below the permissible limit value”.

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